1. 秋季入学

Fall enrollment is commonly used to measure the size of the institution as well as the growth/decline of the college’s student 随时间变化的人口. In CCTC’s 2020-2025 Strategic Plan, college leadership has set a fall enrollment goal of 4,200 students. 公司 not yet met the ±10% threshold for the fall enrollment goal.

Year Previous Year Headcount Current Year Headcount Percent Change
2018 3720 3550 -4.8%
2019 3550 3361 -5.6%
2020 3361 2885 -16.5%
2021 2885 2640 -9.3%
2022 2640 3314 20.3%
Source: South Carolina Technical College System (SCTCS) EDSS Report IPD314

2. GraduatesPlacement Rate

Graduate placement rates reflect the success of graduates with respect to employment or continued education. Graduates: deceased, disabled, and not actively seeking employment (e.g.、积极 military) are exclude from the placement rate. 表现资助 Indicator defined by the South Carolina Technical College System (SCTCS) sets a target goal of 80% overall graduate placement. 公司 consistently met or exceeded the established threshold of ±5% for the Graduates安置率.

Table 2: GraduatesPlacement Rate
GraduatesPlacement Rate
Year Graduates Available for Placement Placement Rate
2017-2018 656 587 91%
2018-2019 672 590 88%
2019-2020 695 616 89%
2020-2021 593 502 86%
2021-2022 635 567 92%
Source: South Carolina Technical College System (SCTCS) Program Evaluation

3. 毕业率

的 graduate production rate is a measure that reflects the college’s fulfillment of its workforce development mission. 此费率包括所有 awards for degrees, diplomas, and certificates and removed time-bound 人口限制. This graduate production rate is based on an unduplicated graduate headcount relative to the fall term full-time-equivalent (FTE). 公司 consistently met or exceeded the South Carolina Technical College System (SCTCS) Performance Funding benchmark of 20% graduate production given a ±5% threshold action 水平.

Table 3: 毕业率
Year Percentage
2017-2018 24%
2018-2019 26%
2019-2020 29%
2020-2021 30%
2021-2022 35%
Source: South Carolina Technical College System (SCTCS) - Performance Indicator Report, April 2023

4. 毕业率

公司 consistently met or exceeded this goal over the past five 年. 的 IPEDS graduation rate cohort includes all full-time, first-time degree/certificate-seeking undergraduate students. 150%的 graduate rate is the percentage of full-time, first-time students who graduate within 150% of normal program completion. CCTC设定了一个目标 of a 15% graduation rate with a ±3% action 水平.

Year Percentage
2017-2018 19%
2018-2019 14%
2019-2020 15%
2020-2021 18%
2021-2022 23%
Source: Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System (IPEDS) Data Feedback Reports

5. 执照考试通过率

Annually, the results of professional licensure exams are collected and reported to the Commission on Higher Education (CHE). 南 Carolina Technical College System (SCTCS) Chief Academic Officers (CAO) Peer Group has reviewed and recommended licensure exams that should be reported for the 16 technical/community colleges. 执照考试 pass rates CCTC reports to CHE appear in bold on the table below. Licensure/certification exam pass rates for additional CCTC programs are 包含在表格中. CCTC设定了一个目标 of having an overall pass rate for first-time examinees on reported exams to be 80% with a ±5% 阈值作用水平. This is to align with the SCTCS Performance 资金指标基准.

Year Associate Degree Nursing (ADN) CertificationThe手术 Technology (CST) Licensed Massage Therapist (LMT) CertificationThe医疗 Assisting (CMA) or Registered Medical Assistant (RMA) Pharmacy Technician Certification Medical Record Coding Certificate
2017-2018 94% 100% 100% 94% 85% 88%
2018-2019 99% 91% 100% 67% 76% 91%
2019-2020 89% 70% 100% 94% 44% 100%
2020-2021 91% 100% 83% 64% 75% 89%
2021-2022 88% 没有Graduates* 78% 91% 100% 100%
Source: Institutional Effectiveness Reports
请注意: Exam results appearing in bold are reported to CHE annually. 的 CST program had no graduates in 2021-2022 as a result of the program changing from a diploma to an associate’s degree program.

6. Fall-to-Spring Persistence Rates

Persistence rates (also called “retention rates”) are a commonly used student progress measure for both two-year and four-year institutions. 表现资助 Indicator defined by the South Carolina Technical College System (SCTCS) defines fall-to-spring persistence as the proportion of students enrolled in a fall semester who returned the following spring semester (excluding those who graduated between these 学期). 公司 consistently met or exceeded the SCTCS target fall-to-spring persistence goal of 71% given a ±5% threshold action 水平.

Table 6: Percentage of Students Retained
Percentage of Students Retained
Year Percentage
2017-2018 74%
2018-2019 73%
2019-2020 74%
2020-2021 72%
2021-2022 73%
Source: South Carolina Technical College System (SCTCS) - Performance Indicator Report, April 2023

7. 秋季保留率

As a two-year institution, CCTC measures its students’ progress towards an associate’s degree by tracking the percent of first-time students enrolled a fall semester who are still enrolled during the fall 下一学期. In the 2020-2025 Strategic Plan, college leadership set a goal to achieve 65% fall-to-fall retention for first-time, full-time freshmen, and to achieve 40% fall-to-fall retention for first-time, part-time freshman. CCTC非常接近 meeting the ±5% threshold for each of these benchmarks.

Table 7: Fall-to-Fall Retention for First-Time Freshmen
Fall-to-Fall Full-Time Part-Time
2017-2018 57% 37%
2018-2019 64% 30%
2019-2020 59% 27%
2020-2021 60% 31%
2021-2022 59% 34%
Source: Institutional Effectiveness Reports

8. 学生成功率

的 student success rate is a cohort-based measure of graduation, transfer to another postsecondary institution in South Carolina, or continuing enrollment after three 年 of first-time enrollment. 的 cohort includes all first-time freshman enrolling in degree, diploma, or certificate programs in a given fall semester. 表现资助 Indicator defined by the South Carolina Technical College System (SCTCS) sets a target goal of 49% student success. 在过去的五年里, 公司 shown continuous improvement, and the college met the ±5% threshold for this benchmark with the most recent student cohort.

Table 8: 学生成功率
Cohort Percentage
2015-2018 35%
2016-2019 37%
2017-2020 37%
2018-2021 38%
2019-2022 46%
Source: South Carolina Technical College System (SCTCS) - Performance Indicator Report, April 2023 and EDSS ST IPD314